Warren G. Harding High School, 860 Elm Road NE, Warren, Ohio 44483
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Let’s Get Started

This year we plan on competing in the following challenges from FIRST:

The typical Judged Awards (Mrs. Pace is leading the charge on these tasks)

  1. Chairman’s Award
    • Anyone can help
  2. Woodie Flowers Award
    • Seniors will select and write the essay
  3. Dean’s List Award
    • The adults will choose our nominees.

INFINITE RECHARGE at Home (Travis, Adam will be leading this group)

  • Judged Awards
    • Images of Robot
    • Video of Autonomous mode
    • Flyer describing the robot
    • Interview with Judges
  • Skills Competition (The Judged Awards^ must be completed to be eligible to compete)
    • 2 Autonomous Challenges
    • 3 Teleoperated Challenges

Innovation Challenge (Mr. Mach and Mrs. Angelo are leading this group)

  • Identify a problem or opportunity and design a solution to help people (or a community of people) keep,
    regain, or achieve optimum physical and/or mental health and fitness through active play or movement.

    • Identify and define a problem or opportunity.
    • Brainstorm and design an innovation to seize the opportunity or solve the problem
      • The innovation can be entirely new and novel or may significantly improve an existing
    • Create a business model
    • Show and be evaluated on the soundness of the design
    • Develop and present a pitch for the innovation
      • Each team develops a two (2) minute business pitch, to be presented live
    • Use technology in either the solution development process and/or design
      • The use of technology in either the solution itself or the development of the solution
        will fulfill this requirement.

Game Design Challenge

  • The Game Design Challenge is an opportunity for teams to design a FIRST Robotics Competition game
    and compete against other teams for a chance to pitch their game to the FIRST Robotics Competition
    Game Design Team.

We will also be pushing forward with moving the Spear-It Shop online. (Ms. Burns will be leading this group)

  • There’s a lot to think about and do before we can start.
    • What supplies do we need to buy
    • How will we ship/deliver items
    • Improving collection of photos
    • Adding inventory to website


Now for your homework. Sign up for slack if you haven’t already. (http://invite.teamelite48.com/) Log in to slack and click on the + next to channels. Join the following channels according to your interests. If you want to be a part of the Game Design Challenge, add that channel. If you want to participate in the Innovation Challenge, add that channel, etc…..

NEXT!!! Make sure that you read the manual for the tasks that you’re participating in. (https://www.firstinspires.org/resource-library/frc/competition-manual-qa-system) The leader(s) of each of these challenges will communicate to the team in that channel and set up remote meetings.
Theses are the channels you’ll want to join:

  • 2021-innovation-challenge
  • 2021-at-home-challenges
  • 2021-game-design-challenge
  • 2021-chairmans-award
  • 2021-spear-it_shop

FINALLY Give these challenges 100% Maximum Effort. This season will be what you make of it.

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