Want to Meet the 2022 Team?: Click Here!
Our Mission
For 25 years, Team 48 E.L.I.T.E has been dedicated to demonstrating safe practices in engineering and technology to every student regardless of a student’s previous knowledge of STEM. Our goal is to teach students skills in mechanics, workshop, programming, media, and marketing from volunteer mentors in those fields.
After having to put our team on pause because of Covid-19, our team is back together in the shop and ready to do our best.
We’re Not Just “Nerds”
Students don’t have to be super geniuses to join our FIRST family (though, super geniuses are welcome!). Because of the diverse nature of roles within our team, any student can find a place. Students can choose to focus on one type of role, or be ‘all-rounders’.
Roles include:
Build (Includes electrical and woodworking)
Design (Designs robot at the start of the build season)
Drive (Operates the robot during the games)
Media (Website and photography)
Metalworking (Makes parts in the shop using 3-d modeling and machines)
Pit Crew (Fixes the robot in between rounds of the games)
Programming (Java; Command-based)
Safety (Keeps the team organized, on track, and most importantly SAFE!)
Scouting (Gains info about other robots during the games)
Spirit Shop (Sets up the school merch shop at sports events for fundraising).
The Game
So, what is this game we keep mentioning? Annually, FIRST sets up a series of events around the country (and world!) that we compete in. We call these events ‘coopertitions’ because we not only compete against other teams, we also cooperate with them through alliances formed during the game. Once the game rules are announced in January, students and mentors work together to design a robot blueprint based on what features are needed to win the game. ‘Does the robot need to climb?’, ‘Shoot foam balls?’, ‘How should it move?’, are all questions the team must figure out to design the robot, alongside specific guidelines from FIRST about the dimensions and limitations.
The team spends weeks designing, building, programming, and driving the new robot while simultaneously fundraising to help cover expenses. Then, we travel with our new robot to (hopefully!) win the events and gain a trophy for our accomplishment.
Interested in learning how we maintain Gracious Professionalism at competitions? Check out our Safety Page, which details the safety course that all members are required to pass for travel eligibility.
Meet the Team
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